الجمعة، 30 أبريل 2010

تحميل برنامج Norton Internet Security 2010 & Norton Antivirus 2010

Norton Internet Security 2010
Norton Antivirus 2010


Norton Internet Security 2010

برنامج Norton Internet Security الحماية المطلقة لجهازك اثناء تصفحك الانترنت يحمي ملفاتك و خصوصيتك و جهازك من الهكر واللصوص على الانترنت كما يحميك من الفيروسات وملفات التجسس ويتميز بوجود جدار حمايه قوى والكثير من الإمكانيات

Norton Internet Security runs quietly in the background to detect and block today's complex threats and to protect your identity when you buy, bank, or browse online. The friendly and efficient product design helps minimize confusing security alerts and system slowdowns that can get in the way of your online experience. Norton Internet Security™ provides essential protection from viruses, *******, spyware, spam and other privacy threats. A comprehensive set of security tools, Norton Internet Security helps keep you safe online as you surf and email, swap files, download programs, and chat. In addition to protecting against viruses and unwelcome intrusions from the Internet.

NIS also allows you to automatically block annoying banner ads and pop-up windows, set up parental site blocking options for restricting access to specific Web sites, and selectively determine which, if any, Java ******s and ActiveX controls should be allowed to download and execute on your computer. Enjoy the Internet with award-winning

اثبات الاصدار

حجم البرنامج (104) ميجا

مرفق التريل ريست مع البرنامج لاعاده الفتره التجريبيه

اختر سرفر للتحميل


MEGA uploaD

user sahre






HOT file


Norton Antivirus 2010

برنامج Norton Antivirus يمنحك حماية خاصة جداً برنامج حماية قوي جداً يغنيك عن برامج الحماية الاخرى فهو شهير بما يكفي لان تضعه على جهازك وتأمن مكر الهكر والمخترقين ويحميك من الفايروسات وملفات التجسس والبرمجيات الخطيرة الاخرى

Symantec's Norton AntiVirus 2010 - Winning protection against viruses, spyware, and other malicious threats! Heuristically detects Spyware threats, detects blocks Internet worm attacks, and protects email. Norton AntiVirus blocks viruses and spyware with advanced protection. It helps protect your entire computer by stopping viruses, spyware, and other security risks. Norton AntiVirus works in the background so you can surf the Internet, read the news, play games, and download software or music without disruption. It also scans and cleans all email and instant messaging (IM) attachments, preventing you from receiving viruses, or spreading them to others. With set-it and forget-it functionality, Norton AntiVirus checks for updates continuously and automatically blocks new and emerging threats from getting on your system. In addition to protection updates, Norton AntiVirus provides new product features as available throughout your service sub******ion.

Key Technologies:
• Anti Virus
• Anti Spyware
• Bot protection
• Norton Pulse Updates
• Anti Rootkit
• NEW! Norton™ Insight Network
• NEW! Norton Download Insight
• NEW! Norton File Insight
• NEW! Norton Threat Insight
• Vulnerability Protection
• NEW! SONAR™ 2 behavioral protection
• NEW! Norton System Insight

اثبات الاصدار

حجم البرنامج (97) ميجا

مرفق التريل ريست مع البرنامج لاعاده الفتره التجريبيه
60 يوم
اختر سرفر للتحميل


MEGA uploaD

user sahre







HOT file

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